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8-5-10 Beautification Commission Minutes
Beautification Commission
Thursday, August 5, 2010   

Present:       Helen Boardman; Pat Byrnes; Marylee Hickey; Dolores Kehoe; Sue Kickery;
                 Mary Mourey; Betty Russell; Pat Sirois.

Also Present:   Bill Taylor, Director/Public Works

Absent:     Tony Russo (excused).
   Bonnie Nichols, Director/Inspections and Permits (excused).
   Roger Moss, Director/Park and Recreation (excused).    

Call to order:
Chair Sirois called the meeting of the Beautification Commission to order at 7:16 p.m.

Acceptance of minutes of JULY 1, 2010      
Dolores Kehoe made a motion to accept the minutes of the July 1, 2010 meeting. Seconded by Marylee Hickey.  Approved.

Opportunity for citizens to speak:              None.   

Financial Report:                                       
Mary Mourey reported that the General Fund has $8042.39.
Remembrance Fund balance is $520.96.

Communication received was from the Arbor Day Foundation.               
Chair's report:                                         
Chair Sirois reported she attended the Town Council meeting on Tuesday, August 3 to present the Beautification Awards.  She stated that it was the renter, not the owner, of 39 Burnside Avenue that received the award and he was extremely pleased.

Tree Warden's RePORT:                           
Bill Taylor distributed the report for July 2010.

Discussion was held on the repair of the levees in town.
Old BUsiness:                                           None.                           

New Business                                                                    
  • Beautification Award
  • Residential
Chair Sirois made a motion to award the August 2010 Beautification Residential Award to the owner of 236 Main Street.  Seconded by Betty Russell.  Approved.

  • Business
Pat Byrnes made a motion to award the August 2010 Beautification Business Award to Cabela’s.  Seconded by Dolores Kehoe.  Approved.

  • Lawn signs
Marylee Hickey reported that she submitted the Town of East Hartford and Beautification logos to Custom Printing.  She will be meeting with them again to discuss the layout of the signs.  It was recommended that the Commission purchase 1 sign for Business Landscaping, 3 signs for Residential Landscaping, 1 sign for Community Pride and 1 sign for Special Recognition.  A total of six signs will be purchased and the Commission will begin using them in the Spring of 2011.
  • Holiday Fest 2010
Chair Sirois will begin the correspondence for Holiday Fest this month.  She will be doing the application as well.  Marylee Hickey will do a table document of the Holiday Fest schedule and Commissioners will sign up for the various events to be sure there is representation from the  Beautification Commission at each event.

Chair Sirois will develop a list of responsibilities for Commissioners for Holiday Fest.  This will make the work fair and equitable for all.

Other Business                                                  
  • Possible picnic – September 2, 2010 meeting
Discussion was held and it was decided the meeting would be held 15 minutes later due to the possible lack of quorum. Commissioners will attempt to meet in December after Holiday Fest for a social dinner.
Marylee Hickey made a motion to change the meeting time for the September 2, 2010 Beautification Commission meeting from 7:15 to 7:30 p.m. due to the possible lack of a quorum.  (Three members have commitments that evening.)

Concerns of the Commission:
  • Greenwood – the siding insulation is still visible (as was in June.)  The back yard grass is extremely high.
  • Portuguese Club – tree belt along the entrance roadway needs mowing
  • Home next  to 50 Deepwood – trees and weeds
  • Main Street medians – need weeding
  • Tent set up on corner of Silver Lane/Main Street (Hess gas station) for bed sheet sale – vendor’s permit?
Payment of Bills:
        Theresa Godreau (clerk)                                         $ 75.00

Mary Mourey made a motion to pay the clerk and to approve the bills as submitted.  Seconded by Pat Byrnes.  Approved.

There being no further business, Mary Mourey made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:37 p.m. Seconded by Marylee Hickey. Approved.